How We See the World

  1. Software transforms every industry: It disrupts existing offerings through novel, software-based alternatives and it transforms existing products from the inside, turning traditional physical products into smart, connected devices.
  2. Software creates new opportunities: The digital transformation of entire industries creates economic opportunity for those who step up, embrace the challenge, and lead the pack. Used wisely, digital transformation can drive economic and social progress and provide solutions to today’s global challenges.
  3. Mastering software is required across industries: As software transforms every industry, mastering software is no longer a niche expertise that’s required only by software/internet startups or a few large software vendors.
  4. Creating software-based products requires specific capabilities
    • Software is intangible, yet extremely malleable and therefore, requires software-specific approaches and processes in development and product management.
    • Software drives cycle time compression and requires entire industries to become more agile to keep up with fast-moving competitors.
    • Software enables new types of offerings and business models by exploiting the unique economics of software products and by leveraging usage data from smart, connected devices.
  5. Mastering software requires a different mindset: Companies need to take decisive action, establish software processes that are tailored to their specific business and industry needs, and empower their product teams with the right tools.

How We Work Together with Our Clients

  1. We create solutions that fit: We take time to clarify our client’s needs and to define meaningful project goals. This enables us to provide tailored solutions that actually fit our client’s specific context.
  2. We collaborate and communicate openly: We believe that lasting solutions must involve all relevant stakeholders, integrating their viewpoints and contributions. We collaborate closely with our clients across all levels of their organization, and we facilitate open communication and joint decision making.
  3. People are the driving force: People, organization, process, and tools must be aligned with each other, with people at the center. We adapt to existing corporate culture and value systems, and can act as catalysts of change.
  4. Think big, act small, dare to experiment: We work iteratively and experiment-driven to create new, successful solutions in fast-changing markets.
  5. A foundation of sound methodology and experience: We build solutions based on proven methodologies, latest academic results, and our deep knowledge of industry best practice.
    • We align software product management activities with the framework of the International Software Product Management Association (ISPMA), which we have actively established and which we support as co-founder, board members, and fellows.
    • For product innovation we are well-versed in the Lean Startup and Customer Development methods. We have extensive experience in applying these methods and actively foster their dissemination.
    • We are closely familiar with both how Silicon Valley excels in software, and how European high-tech companies excel in engineering. We know how to bridge and integrate their approaches in high-tech product management.
  6. Share knowledge to grow it: We support our clients in making tacit knowledge tangible and usable. We foster mutual learning and communities of practice to build expertise in software product management.