Preview ISPMA SPMBok2.0

On 15 September 2020, Gerald Heller will provide a first insight into the new version of the ISPMA® software product management framework at the SPM summit in Frankfurt.

The practice of software product management is constantly challenged by changing business environments and software development practices. The ISPMA® Software Product Management Body of Knowledge (SPMBoK) must reflect these changing practices.

For this reason, an ISPMA® project was launched to work on SPMBoK2.0. The new version will provide an evolution of the reference framework and foundation level syllabus. Gerald will present a preview of the upcoming changes. Participants will gain insight into the evolving practice of SPM and will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the draft SPMBoK2.0.

To attend the SPM Summit visit: You have the option to attend the summit in person or online.