Webinar: How To Develop Software Product Strategies Based on Life Cycle Models For Products and Markets?

pd7.group member and ISPMA fellow Barbara Hoisl will talk about this topic in the joint iSQI / ISPMA webinar on September 21, 2017 at 11 AM CEST.

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To create a successful strategy for a software product, it is important to clearly understand the context: What is the life cycle stage of the product itself, and what is the life cycle stage of the market?

To aid the understanding of that context, life cycle models are useful – and they do exist both for individual products and for markets, or to be precise, for product categories.

These life cycle models help product managers to determine which types of initiatives will be most effective for their product, and to focus their own efforts as well as optimize resource usage.

However, we often find that these two different aspects – the life cycle stage of the specific product vs. life cycle stage of the product category – are not clearly distinguished. In addition, product categories are sometimes confused with market segments.

In this webinar, ISPMA fellow member Barbara Hoisl briefly introduces the life cycle models for products and the category maturity model by Moore, highlighting their differences and the type of guidance they provide for setting software product strategy. Both life cycle models are part of the ISPMA body of knowledge.

Want to know more?

The next opportunity to learn more about software product management will be at our foundation level training September 25.-27. in Karlsruhe (in German).